

Wastewater Treatment Plant – Sanitary with high organic load.

Application: Compliance with the NOM-001-2021 standard for irrigation of green areas.

Project: MBBR compact steel plant.

Technology: Compact plant MBBR (Mobile Bed Batch Reactor)

Volume 80m³/day

Wastewater treatment plant – Sanitary with oil and high organic load.

Application: Compliance with the NOM-001-2021 standard for irrigation of green areas.

Project: Wastewater Treatment Plant (PTAR) with concrete tank.

Technology: RBS (Sequential Biological Reactor).

Volume 260 m³/day

Wastewater Treatment Plant – Sanitary

Application: Compliance with the NOM-001-2021 standard for irrigation of green areas.

Project: Rehabilitation of obsolete activated sludge treatment plant.

Technology: RBS (Sequential Biological Reactor)

Volume 80 m³/day

Wastewater Treatment Plant – Sanitary with high organic load.

Application: Compliance with the NOM-001-2021 standard for irrigation of green areas.

Project: Compact steel MBBR plant.

Technology: MBBR (Mobile Bed Batch Reactor) in steel.

Volume 60 m³/day.

Wastewater Treatment Plant – Sanitary – CAPUFE

Application: Compliance with NOM-001 Standard

Project: Mobile steel plant with 23 plants installed in highway toll booths and federal bridges throughout the Mexican Republic.

Technology: MBBR (Moving Bed Bioreactor)

Volume: 5m³ – 20m³ /day.


Pretreatment with multimedia filters and activated carbon.

Application: Compliance with NOM-127 for drinking water.

Project: Drinking water system for service.


  • Retreatment with filters.
  • Reverse Osmosis.

Volume: 60m³/day

Treatment plant for small flows.

Application: Compliance with NOM-001-1996 for discharge to natural assets.

Project: Sanitary wastewater treatment plant.

Technology: Biogill biological modules.

Volume: 15m³/day

Wastewater Treatment Plant – Sanitary

Application: Compliance with NOM-001-2021 for irrigation of green areas.

Project: Compact modular plant in FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer)

Technology: MBBR (Moving Bed Bio Reactor)

Volume: 70m³/day

Wastewater Treatment Plant – Sanitary

Application: Compliance with NOM-001-2021 for irrigation of green areas.

Project: Compact modular plant in FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer)

Technology: MBBR (Moving Bed Bio Reactor)

Volume: 100m³/day


Application: Compliance with NOM-001-1997

Project: Rehabilitation of the sanitary and gray wastewater treatment plant.

Technology: Biological treatment MBBR

Volume: 60m³/day

Sanitary Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Application: Compliance with the SEMARNAT-NOM-001-2021 standard for irrigation of green areas.

Project: Equipment and installation for a wastewater treatment plant.

Technology: Activated sludge with underground tanks.

Volume: 20m³/day

Wastewater Treatment Plant – Oily water industrial engine.

Application: Compliance with the NOM-001-2021 standard.

Project: Multi-stage treatment plant.


  • Grease and oil interceptor.
  • Physical chemistry.
  • With membranes for oil.
  • Biological reactor.
  • Canromex ultrafiltration (Zenon).

Volume 120m³/day.

Wastewater Treatment Plant – Industrial

Application: Reuse of treated water in industrial processes

Project: E-Coat and Phosphate water treatment plant

Applied technologies:

  • Physiochemical
  • Biological reactor
  • MBR (Membrane Reactor)

Volume: 200m³/day

Wastewater Treatment Plant – Industrial oily water.

Application: Reuse of treated water in industrial processes

Project: Multi-stage treatment plant.

Applied technologies:

  • Physiochemical
  • Biological
  • Memcor Ultrafiltration

Volume 120m³/day

Treatment of water from the metal manufacturing process.

Application: Recycling of treated water for industrial processes.

Project: Physico-Chemical treatment plant.


  • Conventional Physical-Chemical.
  • Inverse osmosis.

Volume: 80m³/day

Industrial food water treatment with high organic load.

Application: Compliance with NOM-001 for the discharge of natural goods.

Project: Multi-stage treatment plant.


  • Biological treatment of fine bubble aeration.
  • Physical-chemical treatment.
  • Fine filtration by means of Rotofiltro.
  • DAF dissolved air float.

Volume 200m³/day


Application: Removal of solids and oils in the engine cleaning process.

Project: Manufacture of solids interceptor and oil interceptor.

Technology: CANROMEX products.

Volume 10 gal/minute.

Van Plant – Sludge Treatment

Application: Treatment of industrial sludge.

Project: Supply and installation of thickener system and filter press.

Technology: Filter press.


Truck Plant – Sludge Treatment

Application: Treatment of industrial sludge.

Project: Supply and installation of thickener system and filter press.

Technology: Filter press.


Wastewater Treatment Plant – Industrial pig fattening with high organic load (BOD: 16,000ppm)

Application: Compliance with the NOM-001-2021 standard for downloading.

Project: Wastewater Treatment Plant  in 2 stages with anaerobic bioreactor and aerobic bioreactor.


  • Biodigester.
  • RBS (Sequential Biological Reactor).

Volume 1600m³/day

Sulphurous water purification.

Application: Supply of drinking water in the Angelópolis district from sulphurous water in the springs.

Project: Construction and installation of a water treatment plant with special treatment for sulfurous water.


  • Physiochemical.
  • Sand filtration.
  • Inverse osmosis.
  • BlueStream.
  • Oxidizing gas generator.

Volume: 120Lt/sec.

AQUACULTURE: Salt water recycling treatment.

Application: Filtration, purification and oxidation for recycling salt water in shrimp farm.

Project: Filtration train for solids and activated carbon with ozone oxidation system for AQUACULTURE

Technology: Industrial ozone for water.

Volume: 300m³/day.

Ultra Filtration (UF) with 72 membranes

Application: Separation of solids-liquids in the lemon process for the recovery of juice and pulp.

Project: Installation and automation of a KOCH Ultra Filtration equipment



Rehabilitation of the Physico-Chemical plant with highly acidic water from the Mateo process.

Application: Compliance with NOM-001-SEMARNAT-1997.

Project: Reengineering and rehabilitation of the physical-chemical plan.

Technology: Conventional physical-chemical.

Volume: 10m³/hour

Wastewater Treatment Plant – Sanitary

Application: Recycling of treated water for the industrial process.

Project: Compliance with NOM-001-SEMARNAT-2021 for discharge to natural assets. (IN PROGRESS)

Technology: MBBR (Moving Bed Bioreactor in FRP)

Volume: 80 m³/day

Wastewater Treatment Plant – Electroplating Process Industrial

Application: Recycling of treated water for the industrial process.

Project: Rehabilitation of existing physicochemical treatment plant (IN PROGRESS).

Technologies: Physicochemical process flocculator tube lamellar clarifier

Volume 120 m³/day

Rehabilitation of obsolete industrial water treatment plant.

Application: Compliance with NOM-002-1966 for sewage discharge.

Project: Rehabilitation of existing treatment plant.


  • Physical-Chemical Treatment with DAF
  • Biological treatment with MBBR

Volume 200m³/day

Trace Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Application: Discharge to natural assets.


  • Mechanical filters
  • Physical-chemical treatment with DAF
  • RBS (Sequential Biological Treatment).

Volume 1200m³/day

High temperature water that required constant maintenance.

Application: Maintenance of quality water in cooling towers.

Project: Maintenance policy for cooling towers and reverse osmosis.

Volume: 60m³/day